Monday, June 06, 2005

Scrapping the merit list

The maharshtra board has decided to make the merit list a historical
item for SSC / HSC. But is it really justified?

The merit list might be unhealthy, but scrapping this at the school
level will not prepare these kids for the more serious competition,
that comes from all sides. Be it higher studies, or job, competition
is the key everywhere. Thanks to our burgeoning populations, it has
only been rising. The number of candidates taking entrance
examinations like CAT has only been on the high. Now unless there is a
merit system, how do institutes decide on who is good and who is not?
How to determine the cut off?. Given the scarcity of resources
(educational instituets, jobs you name it), we cant help but accept
competition, and the merit list is only an indicator.

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